Earning Rules
Referral Rewards
The player's Tier is applied starting at midnight (UTC) after staking a sufficient amount of $WF tokens.
If the staked amount (off-chain token balance) falls below the current Tier requirement, the Tier will be reduced to match the new balance starting the following day. The reward for this day will be calculated based on the reduced Tier.
However, if the balance is restored to the sufficient amount by the end of the day, the earnings for that day will be calculated based on the same Tier.
This setup provides a grace period by UTC midnight to restore the required stake balance for players who mistakenly reduced it.
Earning bonuses are calculated based on referral daily $WF transactions based on the current player’s Tier daily.
Example 1:
Player A invited Player B, who spends 50 $WF daily for the entire month.
Player A was in the Basic Tier for the first 10 days and deposited 1000 $WF on the 10th day. Starting on day 11, his Tier became Bronze II.
Player A earns:
8% of every 50 $WF spent by Player B daily for the first 10 days = 50 $WF x 8% x 10 = 40 $WF
8.5% of every 50 $WF spent by Player B daily for the next 20 days = 50 $WF x 8.5% x 20 = 85 $WF
Total: 125 $WF
Wild Token Pool rewards
Wild Token Pool rewards are calculated daily. 70% of all the $WF tokens accumulated to the Wild Token Pool this day are proportionally shared to all stakers based on the off-chain $WF tokens they staked this day.
Last updated