Wild Forest economy

We believe that token utility is the core element of a sustainable economy. The player’s progression requires a $WF token and creates the demand generated by players. Progression in the game unlocks more valuable rewards.

At the same time, a token is used as an incentive to drive players’ engagement. To receive a $WF token, players compete for top leaderboard rewards, leagues, and events. Substantial rewards create natural motivation to engage with the game. The competitive skill-based nature of the game creates a great opportunity for spectacular battles and opens up multiple cyber sport and content creation activities.

Instead of $WF tokens, players are more often rewarded with the NFTs. Unit card NFTs and skins will be the most common reward. Lower rarity Unit cards merged together create a higher rarity and more powerful Unit card NFT. Merge also requires a $WF token fee. Players will use $WF from rewards or buy it from the open market. And this way, we create a utility for the token as the core driver for players’ progression. This way, $WF is constantly spent by players for the Deck upgrades and removed from the circulation. Since players are motivated to upgrade their Decks, it creates a deflation mechanism for the economy.

It also creates consistent demand for Unit cards NFTs as players will be looking for the needed ones for the upgrades. Players can earn NFTs for playing or buy from other players on the marketplace.

This demand creates the opportunity to grind the NFTs for the players who want to progress faster and are ready to pay for it. Pro players and guilds are the first candidates searching for the Unit cards NFTs.

Additional value players will receive from Unit skins NFTs. Skins change the units’ appearance in the battle. This cosmetics element may be used for personal joy, for personalization for content creators or guilds. With the limited supply, the value will grow over time as Wild Forest onboards more players. Old collections may become super rare and valuable.

We empower economy loops from the free-to-play model to create additional balancing elements for sustainability. Premium in-game purchases extract $WF tokens from circulation. They can also be used to refill treasury or generate revenue for the marketing or development needs.

We also introduce Clans – a collective activity. Clans of 50 people compete against each other in weekly Clan Wars for a massive Warchest. It creates fun and motivates players to improve their playing skills and upgrade Decks. Participation in Clan Wars requires a special Zeppelin NFT. Zeppelin NFTs are a limited supply collection, so players will have an option to use them or lease them to other players. Clan Wars is a highly competitive and highly rewarded activity, so Zeppelin NFTs will have a constant value and may generate a passive income through leasing.

Wild Forest also has a free-to-play economy layer built over $FGLD in-game currency and Unit Shards. Additionally to the ranking up, Units can be leveled up. Players earn $FGLD and Shards through the gameplay and accumulate it to level up Units. Level up requires $FGLD and Unit Shards. $FGLD can also be used to purchase some in-game items and fees. $FGLD and Shards are not transferable, but players can exchange Shards with the Clan members.

Wild Forest rewards system balances out the rewards with the player investments. As in a free-to-play game, players can invest their time to earn NFTs. It creates a revenue stream to purchase $WF and invest into the better Deck to increase the rewards.

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