Play-to-earn issues

We see at least four most common Web3 gaming issues:

High entry threshold

Some Web3 games require an immediate investment in the game. Players need to put in a lot of effort just to start playing. If the player has no experience with blockchain and NFTs, creating and setting up a wallet, buying tokens, etc., takes unnecessary time and effort. And the player has to do this before even having a chance to see if the game is interesting and enjoyable!

Low quality of the game

For various reasons, many games do not pay enough attention to the actual game mechanics. Unclear UI, not thought-out gameplay loop, in which the player simply has nothing to do in the game. Often, Web3 games are subject to all sorts of cheating. For example, they do not prevent multiple accounts cheating, pay-to-win exploits, and unfair advantages.

Lack of players

Due to high entry thresholds and gameplay issues, many Web3 games have very low daily active player (DAU) metrics. Especially when compared to the KPIs of traditional mobile F2P games. This affects the quality of the multiplayer experience and the quality of the game community. With no players, the game looks abandoned, making the experience even worse.

Limited token utility

Sometimes there's no actual in-game use for the tokens, and players simply sell them. The unbalanced emission of in-game currencies leads to unsustainable systems. In this case, the economy does not work as a coherent, self-regulating system. Some currencies or components are constantly missing, some are accumulated, and no one needs them.

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